
Dec 14 - 18, 2020

 Our Plan This Week: This week we are continuing with our Grade 7-9s on line and Grade 6s in person. In order to prepare for our Grade 6s learning online in January, the Grade 6s will be participating in the Google Meet during class  time and completing their work online. Topics This Week: Winter All About Winter Animals in Winter Winter Solstice Winter Holidays Around the World Canadian Animals finish and hand in Animal Writing Animal presentations - presenting on Thurs and Fri

Dec 7 - 11 2020

All the students' work is in Google Classroom. The assignments for each day are in the Stream on Google Classroom. The assignments are in Classwork This week we are studying the following topics: Grammar Level 1 - Imperative Verbs Level 2 - Simple Future Canadian Animals students have chosen an animal they are interested in researching research and notetaking on appearance, diet, habitat, family, predators and other interesting facts students are to read and find 3-5 jot notes on each topic about their animal and enter them into the Google slide assignment Free Read students are expected to free read on Mon, Wed and Fri for 15 min they may read a book of their choosing or they may read books at their level online at Kids A-Z after reading they are to complete their Reading Log English For Everyone (EFE) On Tues and Thurs, if students have extra time they can work on their EFE

Nov 23 - 27

 This week we are studying the following topics: Grammar - Prepositions of Directions  New Topic: Canadian Animals We will spend the next three weeks learning about animals in Canada. We will be learning vocabulary. reading non-fiction text, taking notes, and posing research questions. After we have learned about a variety of animals, students will choose an animal they are interested in and complete a research project. As part of our usual routine students continue to Free Read every Mon, Wed and Friday. This week we are adding Book Talks to our Free Reading time which is where students will talk to the class about a book they have finished reading. As well, students spend 30 min Tues and Thurs working independently on their English For Everyone books. 

Nov 16 - 20

 We have a short week this week: Wed - Pep Rally in Block 3 Thurs - No School because of Student Learning Conferences Fri - No School because it is a Non Instructional Day Student Learning Conferences are on Wed Nov 18 and Thurs Nov 19. They will all be online, no face to face meetings at the school. You will receive an email with the link for the online meeting once you book in Power School.  This week we are studying the following concepts: Grammar  - Level 1 Pronouns - Level 2 Adverbs of Manner Vocabulary Topic: Superstitions 

Nov 2 - 6, 2020

 This week we will continue with Free Reading with Book Reports and English For Everyone on Tuesday and Thursday.  Reading with Ms. Yu Also, students have the opportunity to do one-on-one guided reading with Ms. Yu everytime they have English before lunch. This is usually once or twice a week. They read books at their level aloud to improve reading fluency and then answer questions to ensure they are understanding what they have read. Remembrance Day We will be learning about Remembrance Day this week. Students will read an article about Remebrance Day and answer comprehension questions. We will look at common vocabulary they will hear on this topic. As well, they will have a discussion question they need to answer in an audio clip. Grammar - Articles This week in grammar we are studying articles - a, an and the. These are small words that have many rules and are very complex to use correctly. Students are learning the rules and practicing using them in exercises, videos and quizzes. T

Oct 26 - 29

 This week we will be studying the following topics: Free Reading Students read for the first 15 min of each class Mon, Wed, and Fri. They may bring a book, read online or read one of my classroom books. They record their reading in a Reading Log. They complete a Book Report when they finish each book English for Everyone (EFE) Students work independently in their workbook and listen to online lessons in vocabulary and grammar. They do this program Tues and Thurs for 30 min.  Halloween Students will be completing reading comprehension activities on the history, songs and recipes of Halloween. They will be practicing answering comprehension questions in complete sentences with periods and capitals. Math Vocabulary - Word Problems We are continuing to learn about the vocabulary of word problems in math. This week we are focusing on word problems with multiplication and division. 

Oct 13 - 16

 This week we finished our Country Research project and students presented their Google Slides on their country. Our Grammar topic this week is Possessive Nouns - how to properly use an apostrophe to show possession.